Have you ever been on a treadmill next to someone and made sure your pace was faster than theirs? Yah, me neither.
Have you ever looked at a blog or Facebook page and felt completely defeated, even breathless after seeing all the mommy magic that is happening in the world? ….And then you fill a wee bit deficient in your own parenting capabilities? Yah, me neither.
Have you ever saw someone in their business rocking it, like seriously moving mountains and you just can’t FIGURE OUT {insert scream) how they do what they do and why you are where you are at? Stuck. And then you feel {more} paralyzed. Yah, me neither.
Do you find yourself constantly comparing who you are and what you do to {all} those around you which only makes you feel inadequate, defeated, not. good. enough.
From personal experience, I know comparison is literally the thief of joy. It robs us of ever feeling good enough. And in my opinion, THAT is the root of all our limiting beliefs. Not feeling good enough.
What if I told you, you don’t have to stop comparing to feel joy and peace in your life. WHAT IF every day we woke up and compared ourselves to our highest self? The person we are inside. Our Devine potential self. The one that is wise. The one that is strong. The one that has all he/she needs within them to create the life we want. The one that pushes a little harder on the treadmill. The one that gives a bit a grace in the hard mommy moments, the person who gives a hug rather than self-criticizing every time you yell at your kids. The one that sees another one succeeding and says IT’S POSSIBLE. The person we were born to become.
Ever knowing.
THAT person.
What if each day we said today I am going to compete against my highest self. Today I compare myself to her. To him. Do I measure up to who I can be? …To who I already am.
#comparison #doyoumeasureup #highestself #borntobe