Many years ago I learned something that quite literally changed my life. At the time I was so worried about what Nate was and was not doing FOR ME. I was focused on him changing to be more what I wanted him to be. And in one moment everything changed. I was doing a session with my coach/ brilliant sister Stef and she said, Bri when you change Nate changes, so focus on YOU. What!? Could this be true? If I stopped thinking he had to change for me to be happy and rather grow myself and THAT would fix my problem!? Could it be that simple?

The answer is yes. That one moment changed my marriage and it didn’t stop there. It changed how I showed up in life, relationships and work. Now in every situation, I look at it as how can I grow from this? When I focused on my healing and my personal growth, my marriage became better than I could have ever dreamed. We still have areas to grow, yes, but we don’t rely on the other to make us happy. We take responsibility. Sometimes it’s Nate who is the fire starter and starts the process of change and sometimes it’s me. But we both are in this to never stop growing and to allow the other to do it at their own pace. In our business, this has become the biggest gift ever because I can’t {force} people to show up. They are their own boss. ? So instead when I feel stuck I look at myself. If I change myself, my beliefs, my business will change. If I grow, my business will grow. #itsamirror

So here’s the question, what’s one area in your life or business you can grow? Where do you want to see change? Here’s the first step…. Ready? Begin within.
